COVID-19 Phishing Scams

With the chaos and anxiety surrounding the Covid-19 world pandemic, this situation is being exploited and taken advantage of by the criminals of the cyber underworld, they are coming up with new ideas and sneaky scams for one purpose and that is financial. These cyber criminals will and have been emailing people with emails that look like they are from legitimate sources for example: HMRC, WHO, even emails that look like they are from your own company, Maps of the world depicting safety information and infected areas and the list goes on.
These email scams aim to exploit peoples fears and uncertainty concerning the spread of this disease.
HMRC – An email that claims it is from HMRC giving monetary relief of those affected by the Covid-19, will redirect you to phishing page with a promise of a tax rebate, but the main aim is to harvest your username and password
Safety information - Some asking you to download the latest map of the world with all the latest statistics and information of the infected areas with safety advice in the world, but these files are infected with malware. An email from the World Health Organisation asking you to click to download information on safety
Company Policy – these emails will look like this is from your HR department outlining information regarding your companies policy on the Covid-19 outbreak and redirect you to a phishing page, for username and password gain.
What can you do?
Staff training is vital in the defence of this scourge. We at Control IT Solutions offer Phishing simulation training for your staff – contact us here or phone 01738 310 271
Read another blog about Phishing we wrote earlier called “Don’t Get Phished”
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