Return To Work Post Covid-19
We have all been confined to our homes over the last couple of months or so and we are all waiting to hear when we will be allowed to return to the workplace. At the moment there is still a lot of confusion and it is still a bit of a grey area of how we going to return and how long the lockdown is going to last, so now is the time to start planning your return to the workplace or office as it will eventually happen, perhaps staggered or a phased approach for certain staff members while others will remain at home but it will happen. Planning is key, for some businesses the transition to lockdown could have been smooth and for others, highly stressful. Some business owners will be very keen to get back to the office while others will be thinking and reflecting that lockdown actually worked quite well for their businesses and might consider the option of working from home a more regular thing. Whatever fits your business model it is still good to have a plan.
So here are some tips and things to consider regarding your IT when making the transition, whatever you intend to do.
IT Equipment – Some of your staff would have been using the BYOD (Bring Your Own device) or using their own personal laptops ie: PC/Mac from home to access your businesses all important data, like files and applications etc.
How was that BYOD setup, does your IT department need to configure that device back to its original state so as not to allow it access to your data/files after lockdown.
Have your employees been using the companies equipment from home and was it configured for their home network environment, this should be brought back to its original configurations when it comes back on company property with all the correct office network configurations.
Do you intend making the work from home option a regular thing, if so, you will need additional equipment or if your staff are happy using the BYOD from home, there are additional software licences and applications to purchase.
At lockdown when everyone started the move to home, was your transition planned or was it the unplugging of cables kind of willy nilly just to get everyone at home, now when you come back things might not work correctly like before.
If your business managed the transition smoothly, its also a good idea to check that all your data is secure, and nothing has been compromised during the lockdown.
The transition will be different from business to business, this will be a good time to do some internal housekeeping, like changing all usernames and passwords for all devices
Checking your backup system to make sure everything has been running as it should, perhaps do a mock restore of some files and folders or has anything been compromised during the past few months
So planning is of paramount importance and every business will be different, but a little consideration and some carefully thought out planning will go a long way to ensure a smooth transition back to the workplace
What to do next
If you need some help or advice regarding your return to the workplace post Covid-19, please get in touch here or phone 01738 310 271
you are thinking about changing your current IT Service Provider or are looking to take on an IT Company to look after your business, get in touch here or phone 01738 310 271
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